It's been a long winter here in Wisconsin, and it's not quite over. We've seen the 12 plus inches of snow, the ice, the wind, and the windchill upwards to 30 below zero. Have I mentioned the roads? They have been so icy, drifted over, and slushy that it makes going to the store seem like a huge feat. Have you ever been in a parking lot pushing your filled cart with all your might through the snow, all the while your child in the seat of the cart is cold and dripping of soon-to-be-frozen snot? Let's just say I've been dreaming of spring for the past 3 months. Although there is much to complain about in this frozen tundra also known as Wisconsin, there is much to be said about the first snow of the season, the soft glistening snow that blankets the tree limbs, and who could pass up a white Christmas, or a snowman in the front yard of any childs home. I smile each time Taylor wakes up and sees it's snowing and cheerfully says, "It's a snowy day mom!" or, "Mom, let's make snowballs". I like to believe that living through a rough winter makes me a stronger person, and helps me to appreciate all the joys that spring brings. The leaves that first appear on the trees, the return of the birds that had long ago left for winter, green grass as well as the smell of green grass, and yes even bees even though they are a burden, yet still a sign of warmth. So for those of you who already have the luxury of warmer days, don't feel sorry for us. We may be cold, but we know what's in store for our future and thinking about it, now THAT makes me smile.
{ Hiatus from Social Media }
I am taking a week long, maybe longer, hiatus from social media. I won't be
posting on Instagram stories, won't be active on the app at all, and may
3 days ago