I apologize for not updating as much as I would like to. We've been without the Internet for awhile now....now that it's back I am recommited to posting more often. Steve and I had a date night awhile back which was a long time comming. He took me to the Milwauke Public Museum to see the Titanic exhibit, and afterwards we did the IMAX documentary Ghosts of the Abyss. It was pretty neat seeing some of the artifacts from the ship. When we got into the IMAX theater we quickly found out that it was family night at the museum where families bring all their children, their neighbor's children and any other random child off the street to camp out all night at the museum. Of course I'm kidding about the random children, but seriously you should have seen the kids pile into that place. Now this was my first IMAX experience. I really thought I would love it. I NEVER took into consideration my wonderful motion sickness. Right when we walked into the place my knees started to buckle. Naturally since this was a documentary of the Titanic the whole movie was shot on the rough waters. So I basically had to keep my eyes closed 70% of the time. But none-the-less it was a good experience. Taylor is getting excited about her baby brother. She renamed him from Pinkie Awesome to Obama. But she is quick to point out that it's not a brown baby but a white baby. We have another ultrasound on March 20th. I have placenta previa, so we'll possibly have a few more ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy. We're excited to get to see him again! Next test for me will be the gestational diabetes test. Not really looking forward to that one considering I already took a voluntary diabetes test about 2 months back. That was the hypocondriac comming out of me. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I dont have it this time around. Taylor has been pretty sassy lately, fighting off bedtime, hitting, talking back... all the stuff that a 2 1/2 year old daughter does. So we're trying to calmly deal with those battles as they arise. Thats it for now. It's past my bedtime.
{ Hiatus from Social Media }
I am taking a week long, maybe longer, hiatus from social media. I won't be
posting on Instagram stories, won't be active on the app at all, and may
3 days ago
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